Monday, February 22, 2010

Does anyone know a product that's good for stimulating hair growth?

If you are wanting to rejuvinate the hair follicle, then ANY shampoo/conditioner that promotes that will work. Mane and Tail has the best results. But....if you have male pattern baldness, then these products will not work. You lack a hormone called DHT, and without it the circulation that generates growth in the hair shaft is arrested. See a hair specialist and discuss the options that are available in your financial range. If this isn't a possibility, then don't worry. Losing your hair is not the end of the world. Keep it cut to a length that will blend in with the loss. But...WHATEVER... you do PLEASE don't wear a comb-over or a toupee', they are just unnatural and unattractive.Does anyone know a product that's good for stimulating hair growth?
There are many different products available, some by prescription and some over the counter. The best way to determine what product might be most helpful would be to see a doctor to determine the cause of the hair loss first. If it is stress related, then Prozac might be most helpful, if it is hereditary then Rogaine or Nioxin may hold it at bay for a little while, but remember that as the new hair comes in, more will continue falling out, might be an uphill battle.Does anyone know a product that's good for stimulating hair growth?
I have always been told to take pre-natal vitamins, they seemed to help

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