Thursday, February 25, 2010

What vitamins stimulate hair growth?

what is the best vitamin to take to stimulate hair growth? i've noticed my hair is thinning and I'm pretty sure it's due to some sort of malnourishment. no evidence of hair loss in my family.What vitamins stimulate hair growth?
B vitaminsWhat vitamins stimulate hair growth?
prenatals. or something with keratin
Zinc is really great for making hair grow and keeping it nice and shiny and strong.
If you go to boots they label their vitamins ';good for hair';, ';good for nails';, ';good for skin'; etc to make it easier to find a vitamin that does what you need

Or just ask in a health food store
chia seeds ( no joke) look 'em up online!
Vitamin E is good for skin, hair and nails.
check out some homeopathic remedies.
just eat stuff with protien. like eggs etc.
the ones they give you when you're prego.
Fish and lots of protein hairgrowth pills and plenty of water and exercise are the tricks
E-Coli bacteria placed on the head grows hair.

Try sea kelp it helps grow hair
Watch TV It Will tell you

How about eating some food???
vitamin E i think
products with olive oil
i bought pills at walmart that are for hair and nails... i don't know what vitamins are in them, but they are right next to the pharmacy
Jello makes your hair grow faster... also, you're hair grows faster inthe summer. I think meat helps hair growth... or just protein...
The human thyroid gland plays an important role in the ability to grow healthy hair. A sluggish thyroid gland may not be able to generate the proper amount of hormones that regulate overall metabolism and other bodily functions with govern the body's overall ability to grow and maintain healthy tresses. This is known as hypothyroidism.

Although hypothyroidism can only conclusively be proven through blood tests, common symptoms include feeling exhausted and losing more hair than normal. For some people, their hair will become dry, brittle and more prone to breakage.

Health experts believe that more than 10 million Americans may suffer from undiagnosed hypothyroid disease.

If you have been tested and have a clean bill of thyroid health, the problem may be a general lack of energy due to stress, poor diet or other lifestyle issues.

Consider adopting some of the following secrets to boost your natural energy, support your thyroid and encourage the growth of new strands that are healthy, shiny and less prone to dryness or breakage.

Try Pirelli's Miracle Elixir! It is proven to stimulate hair growth to 12.3 inches per month!
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